Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011
its thursdaaay!
thankful for:
-blankets- i love that even if its starting to get cold up here i have the best blankets ever that my nanay gloria has made me :)
-flashcards- totally got a big fat A on a test thanks to them.
-EFY music- when im having a bad day i love listening to efy songs. its great!
-birthdays- mine is right around the corner. im gonna be 19!!! i seriously feel like that is so old. im not getting any older i decided. but birthdays are the funnest :D
-tumblr- my tumblr is about as personal as it gets. i dont post extremely personal stuff on facebook or twitter. but my tumblr lets me get out every feeling that i have bottled up inside. thanks for that tumblr :)
-hugs- they are probably on the top of my favorite things list. im thankful for the feeling hugs can give me.
-postal service- i love my penpals. getting mail is so fun & i love knowing whats happening in my friends lives. be my penpal! :)
tis all.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
a weekend at home
going home is the best, and the worst at the same time. i hate that when i go back to vegas i have to come home to orem. but oh well, visiting is nice while it last. i left on thursday night with hadley suzie & eric for the weekend. we got in late thursday night & right away i went to visit my nanay gloria who now lives across the street. she was up at midnight baking cookies with madilynne. we sat and talked & cried about my cousin passing away. she is the best lady around.
i went to bed around 3 am & got up at 7. bad idea. i was so tired the whole day. i had lots to do so i ran some errands then went up to the high school to see my old teachers & see the assembly. i was glad to see all my lil friends at vegas and to hang out with my family there. my brother got pushed up to varsity football as a freshmen so he got to be apart of the assembly. the assembly in my opinion wasnt the best but it was good to be there. after school i ran more errands and spray tanned trin & sarah. at the parade suzie talked me into sitting on the alumni float, which i so freaking annoying. the wildcat on that float is so obnoxious ha. i went to the game and sat with my family, saw more friends and my best friend kaycee. jake was on kick off return and it was cool to see him under the friday night lights. mad cheered and tumbled but it was way weird not being on the track cheering. i have never sat at a varsity game and not cheered it felt like. but it was good to be able to see the game for once. i got to see kaydee and we talked for a lil after the game. it was good to see everyone that i have missed lots.
the next day was the homecoming dance for vegas high & i had a lot to do. i did hair and make up for 5 girls and they all turned out too pretty. im glad that i got to help them :)
i was sad that i myself wasnt getting ready for the dance haha. that is one of the things i miss the most! my sis & maya looked so pretty. its weird to think that they are already juniors. i remember them being in 3rd grade and being more annoying then they are today.
that night i went jimictos fashion show, to canes and hung out with my babybro. on sunday i went to church, and drove back to provo with eric suz & had. it was an awesome weekend and much needed. im super excited for the next time i get to go back to vegas, tate, tanners older brother gets home from his mission! i really cant wait. im so excited for his family :)
i went to bed around 3 am & got up at 7. bad idea. i was so tired the whole day. i had lots to do so i ran some errands then went up to the high school to see my old teachers & see the assembly. i was glad to see all my lil friends at vegas and to hang out with my family there. my brother got pushed up to varsity football as a freshmen so he got to be apart of the assembly. the assembly in my opinion wasnt the best but it was good to be there. after school i ran more errands and spray tanned trin & sarah. at the parade suzie talked me into sitting on the alumni float, which i so freaking annoying. the wildcat on that float is so obnoxious ha. i went to the game and sat with my family, saw more friends and my best friend kaycee. jake was on kick off return and it was cool to see him under the friday night lights. mad cheered and tumbled but it was way weird not being on the track cheering. i have never sat at a varsity game and not cheered it felt like. but it was good to be able to see the game for once. i got to see kaydee and we talked for a lil after the game. it was good to see everyone that i have missed lots.
the next day was the homecoming dance for vegas high & i had a lot to do. i did hair and make up for 5 girls and they all turned out too pretty. im glad that i got to help them :)
i was sad that i myself wasnt getting ready for the dance haha. that is one of the things i miss the most! my sis & maya looked so pretty. its weird to think that they are already juniors. i remember them being in 3rd grade and being more annoying then they are today.
that night i went jimictos fashion show, to canes and hung out with my babybro. on sunday i went to church, and drove back to provo with eric suz & had. it was an awesome weekend and much needed. im super excited for the next time i get to go back to vegas, tate, tanners older brother gets home from his mission! i really cant wait. im so excited for his family :)
my lil babies going to homecoming :)
my sis looked beautiful!
jack in his varsity uniform. hes getting too tall & too big :(
Thursday, September 22, 2011
its been a hard week. i've felt sick most days & had other things make my day suck to say the least. it made me realize a lot. i am so extremely blessed.
-thankful for:
-tanner chauncey, this week was hard. but its made me realize how extremely thankful i am for tanner. we both do dumb things but i love him no matter what.
-general conference- this year for the first time ever i get to go to general conference for the sunday morning session. the chaunceys got me a ticket and i am so extremely thankful for that.
-uncle randy- he's hookin it up every month with some money if i work for it. im way excited and grateful.
-hulu- allows me to watch all my old favorite shows, the hills, laguna beach, old seasons of glee, and the newest episode of glee. hulu is awesome :)
-kristin & kailee- they arent the first to show me how to do laundry, but they were the first to assist me doing it all on my own :) theyre great roomates. i really appreciate them
-Suz & Had- they are truly some of the best friends i have ever had. they are always there, anytime of the day for me. im so glad they are super close up here in utah. idk what id do without them
-water- its the best. i havent had anything but milk, water, and vitamin water pretty much while ive been in utah & its made me feel so much better. soda makes me feel so yucky, water is just too yummy.
-tanning beds- having one for free at my complex is amazing. especially since its getting cold up here & im turning white as snow.
-the chance to go home- i am so thankful and really excited. i cannot wait to get home tonight. :)
-thankful for:
-tanner chauncey, this week was hard. but its made me realize how extremely thankful i am for tanner. we both do dumb things but i love him no matter what.
-general conference- this year for the first time ever i get to go to general conference for the sunday morning session. the chaunceys got me a ticket and i am so extremely thankful for that.
-uncle randy- he's hookin it up every month with some money if i work for it. im way excited and grateful.
-hulu- allows me to watch all my old favorite shows, the hills, laguna beach, old seasons of glee, and the newest episode of glee. hulu is awesome :)
-kristin & kailee- they arent the first to show me how to do laundry, but they were the first to assist me doing it all on my own :) theyre great roomates. i really appreciate them
-Suz & Had- they are truly some of the best friends i have ever had. they are always there, anytime of the day for me. im so glad they are super close up here in utah. idk what id do without them
-water- its the best. i havent had anything but milk, water, and vitamin water pretty much while ive been in utah & its made me feel so much better. soda makes me feel so yucky, water is just too yummy.
-tanning beds- having one for free at my complex is amazing. especially since its getting cold up here & im turning white as snow.
-the chance to go home- i am so thankful and really excited. i cannot wait to get home tonight. :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
thankful thursday..FINALLY.
in my apartment we made a big poster that says "count your blessings" with tally marks & it is awesome. everyday it reminds me that i seriously am so freaking blessed.
thankful for:
-the gym, kailee and i have decided to really start working out. thank goodness, without cheer i feel like i just am so lazy. its weird not having something active to do everyday.
-my external hard drive, & kaycee for putting SO many good movies on it. at night when im doing homework or just not tired i can watch any movie. its great. :)
-my parents, i really miss them. they are seriously the most awesome people around
-hadley weiner, she is letting me come to vegas with her next week. i am soo thankful because i really miss home.
-sister meegan fast, she is amazing. she wrote me a nice message the other day & it really made my day. love that lady!
-emree, she makes my tuesdays great. starting off watching her makes me happy. im glad i can help tessa & tyler, plus she is soo stinkin cute!
-julie chauncey- she is truly one incredible lady. she sent me a letter & two gift cards. im thankful she is in my life!
theeeee eeennndddddd :D
thankful for:
-the gym, kailee and i have decided to really start working out. thank goodness, without cheer i feel like i just am so lazy. its weird not having something active to do everyday.
-my external hard drive, & kaycee for putting SO many good movies on it. at night when im doing homework or just not tired i can watch any movie. its great. :)
-my parents, i really miss them. they are seriously the most awesome people around
-hadley weiner, she is letting me come to vegas with her next week. i am soo thankful because i really miss home.
-sister meegan fast, she is amazing. she wrote me a nice message the other day & it really made my day. love that lady!
-emree, she makes my tuesdays great. starting off watching her makes me happy. im glad i can help tessa & tyler, plus she is soo stinkin cute!
-julie chauncey- she is truly one incredible lady. she sent me a letter & two gift cards. im thankful she is in my life!
theeeee eeennndddddd :D
Monday, September 12, 2011
manic monday
this is a picture of the needle. its HUGE. and it hurt soo bad. when i donated i had a terrible reaction and got so dizzy after the first cycle. i told the lady that was helping me out and she started to fan me, got me an ice pack and some water. after i started to feel better she asked if i wanted to continue, i said yes hoping that my body would adjust. WROOOONGGG! after the second cycle my hand started to go completely numb and began to cramp up really bad. i thought my hand was paralyzed. tanner says that i am really dramatic, but this is me being so serious. so yeah, plasma sucked. but i got $30 for not even finishing. im going back on thurday and ill get $40. its probably gonna suck again but the money is worth it :)
kristin always asks me to blog about her when she knows i am about to write a new post. she is quite the roommate. her & i together can get extremely loud. kailee is awesome and constantly makes us laugh. i really love my apartment. its awesome to have roommates that i can have fun with. a couple of nights ago we just sat and listened to music, ate cookies & watched the notebook :) we're pretty lame.
i dont have all that much to write so im gonna just leave it at that. see ya 'round.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
100 Things I Love.
because i can, in no specific order :)
100. utah
99. running down geneva road
98. cloudy lazy days
97. country music
96. ice cold water
95. tumblr
94. my countless cousins
93. deep conversations with my best friends
92. nicholas sparks books
91. the wind
90. cuddling
89. the palace
88. toe nail polish
87. glee
86. inside jokes
85. cooking with my roommates
84. baseball
83. reading my old journals
82. twitter
81. blogging
80. mascara
79. cheerleading
78. new clothes
77. venting with people who actually listen
76. cafe rio
75. smoothies
74. working out
73. supporting my friends and family
72. my baby brothers
71. homemade meals
70. matching my socks to my outfit
69. my additional family (chaunceys, tebbs, mcallisters & kennedys)
68. anniversaries
67. first kiss stories
66. wedding shows
65. tanning
64. coming home late & going straight to sleep
63. meeting new people
62. long talks on the phone
61. planning my future
60. spontaneous nights
59. holding hands
58. disneyland
57. taylor swift
56. retelling hilarious stories
55. getting letters in the mail
54. forehead kisses
53. watching my favorite movies
52. my amazing parents
51. the smell of clean clothes
50. trying my best
49. kevin kloeker- the most influential man i've ever met
48. making a difference
47. good books
46. juice
45. getting the butterflies
44. massages
43. reconnecting with old friends as if nothing had ever separated us
42. fruit
41. my amazing sisters-blood or not
40. motivational quotes
39. my grandparents-all 6 of them <3
38. football- high school, college & nfl
37. chap stick
36. looking through old pictures
35. 1000awesomethings.com
34. giving advice
33. 2011 summer with the utah marshalls
32. laughing til my abs are sore
31. disney movies
30. the beach
29. talking about old memories
28. chick flicks
27. babies
26. my roommates
25. realizing why i made the decisions i made & being completely content with them
24. smiling
23. having a clean room
22. church
21. zumba
20. aunts & uncles
19. memorizing lyrics to songs
18. sleeping in
17. college
16. dancing til my legs are sore
15. being a big sister
14. white teeth
13. facebook lurking :)
12. finding things ive been searching for
11. writing missionaries
10. big hugs
9. lsu tigers
8. new orleans saints
7. writing poems
6. my BEST friends-they know exactly who they are
5. second chances
4. summer 2010, miss it more than i could describe
3. falling in love with my best friend
2. US
1. tanner nicholas chauncey
Friday, September 2, 2011
tis my favorite day :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011
thursday thursday thurday...
thankful for: skype/ooVoo.
even tho it doesnt work as well as i want, its still awesome to see my friends in vegas.
thankful for: the chaunceys& mcallisters, tebbs & harpers.
they are hilarious. they make me laugh and have quickly become family in my eyes. i love hanging out with them& im so happy that they are in my life. brittany & bryce have made me smile this week. britt is seriously the big sister i always needed. im thankful for tessa & tyler too. im super happy to watch emree every week. i love every single one of them.
thankful for: family.
this week has been really hard. being far away at a time like this, when i need to be with my family has been extremely difficult. talking on the phone with them tho has made it easier. im so thankful for my forever family. knowing they are there even when they are far away. family is number 1.
thankful for:the sun.
being tan is probably one of the best things ever. im really glad that i can lay out right now. but when the winter comes around here, ill probably be depressed. ;)
thankful for: my obsessions/the internet :)
i have a lot of secret obsessions. only a few people know what they are but im really thankful that i can feed those obsessions with the internet. hahaha. oh & the tv.
thankful for: chapstick.
i really dont think that i could even live without chapstick. its the besttttt!
thankful for: nathan, nappy & david.
its good to know that my friends are on the floor below me. theyre great and im glad we are friends :)
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