so i love reality tv. i think its hilarious. so- keeping up with the kardashians is one show i just cannot get sick of. its hilarious. but anyway- on that show they say what the peak and the pit of their day is. so i thought today was a good day do this.
august 27th- the first day of school in vegas. i cant believe how old my siblings are. marley started middle school, cruz started 8th, jake started 10th & madd is a senior.
arent they the freaking cutest? marley is my favorite. she was so nervous for middle school. she said on the way to drop her off that she was going to #crapherpants hahaha. & she said that she needs to be at school early so she can "holler at dem 8th graders." she is literally out of her mind.
so that is number one peak of my day. sending my cute siblings off to school and hearing about their days after. i am a proud sister. madd is student body president and varsity cheer captain. jake is a varsity football player- starting as a sophomore. hes a monster. cruz is an amazing musician. he is seriously SO talented. marley is literally the funniest person i know. i honestly couldnt name a single person that is funnier than her.

peak number two: A LETTER!!! no one understands why this is HUGE. while tanner was in the Provo MTC we were able to write all the time. i wrote him something every single day thanks to and we wrote handwritten letters atleast 2 times a week. it was so awesome being able to talk to him so often and know how he was doing. since he left for brazil that changed. it takes around 2 or 3 weeks for a handwritten letter to get to either of us. tanner sent my letter on august 13th and i got it today. I WAS STOKED. soo- i pulled up to the mailbox and secretly hoped that i had a letter in there. i honestly wasnt sure but really had my fingers crossed. so i stuck my key in the box took a picture, closed my eyes, took another picture when i opened it, opened my eyes and screamed like a kid on christmas!
(dont mind my disgusting nail polish)
it was literally the BEST letter ever. maybe because i have been waiting so long for it- but seriously i have the most incredible boyfriend ever. so- one thing i can share, my old bishop and his wife are serving a mission in brazil as well right now.
they are serving in the sao paulo temple and also the MTC. so there are soo many missions in brazil and loads of missionaries there. the last time i saw the miners i told them how my boyfriend was also going to be serving in brazil but way far for where they would be. i told them to keep an eye out for him anyway tho. well guess what! they are in his branch presidency! so awesome seriously. in tanners letter he said that them being in his branch presidency is just one of the many blessings and tender mercies that he has experienced. when bishop miner met tanner he said: AH! We found you!!! i was so so so happy to hear about this. i am soo proud of elder tanner. he is such an amazing example and is doing such an awesome service.
the pit of my day is today was the one year of my cousin Patrick passing away. i miss him everyday and think about him often. he is forever in my heart. my family truly means everything to me. when he passed away i was in utah and wasnt able to come down for his funeral. when i finally visited his grave it was super hard. i cried and realized that he was really gone. He was my very best friend growing up. he always stuck up for me, always helped me, always caused trouble with me, and always tickled my back when i asked him to. he will always be my angel and protector. we make choices in life that may not end the way we want them to, but heavenly father truly has a plan for all of us and there are no coincidences in this life.