Sunday, September 30, 2012

busy bee.

i seriously dont have a single day where i could just sleep all day. hah i really need a ME day. im gonna force myself to do that one day. but until then i enjoy my super busy life. this week was great.

jack had an awesome game at cimarron high. it was on tv and hes a beast. nothing new. plus trey is fianlly taller than me. and i took him and the troll marley to get shakes, but trey paid. cutie. 

papa lanny was back in the hospital. i think this week ill tell about papa. hes the best and deserves a spotlight. but hes doing better now. hes out of the hospital and back home. 

dallin had his farewell talk. he gave one of the most incredible talks. he will be such an amazing missionary in new york. he leaves this wednesday and has been a really good friend to me. tonight we went up to the temple and had a much needed talk about life. im happy to have such amazing friends. 

my perfect stud of a nephew colton reed petereson was finally born 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 20 & 1/4 in long. my sis was a champ and had literally the most handsome boy ever! i just LOVE him. 

i volunteered in my moms classroom. she is now an art teacher at an elementary school. it was really cute!

vegas played foothill.

got bomb massages from my baby cousins. it was a great game and they won. nothing better. refs sucked- but it was a good game to watch.

my best friend had her bachelorette party. 

kaycee has been my friend since i was in third grade and she was in 5th. she has been my BEST friend since i was in 8th. shes the best. i honestly dont know what id do without her. she is the only person in vegas that i can tell every thought and she never judges. always listens. and always has my back. 

she was a beautiful bride. i am so proud of her and so happy that she chose an awesome guy and got married in the temple.

i got to see my favorite kailee- we were roommates in college and shes one of the greatest girls on the planet. i just love her and im so happy her and tate are happy :)

my cute replacement boyfriend took a picture with us. trey is getting HUGE. its nuts. 

kaycees wedding was awesome. :)

life is good. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

does anyone else,

ever get into a 5 song music kick?! where you just cannot stop listening to the same songs over and over and over again??

it happens to me literally every month. someone will introduce me to a song that i just LOVE. that i cant stop listening to.

while im at work i listen to pandora every single day. all day long. i mean im in a lil office at my desk for 5-8 hours. i might as well use pandora to keep me entertained. my top stations are sleep station, amos lee, todays country, and the temptations. that is some variety huh? this song is always on the sleep station and i love it. i dont know why. i just do.

next song- kayla durnian introduced me to. she texted me: have you heard the song time is love by josh turner? wait do you like country first?? hahaha

i had not heard it and looked it up right away. i love it. i love country music. :) & i loveeee josh turners voice. 

last song then on to my actual reason for blogging this morning:

this song may be older- but its still one of my favorites!
 those are my top three right now. i seriously cannot stop listening to them. 

update on elder chauncey: 

he arrived in his area of Joao Pessoa yesterday after two flights! he is a reallllll missionary now. his companion is elder da cunha from southern brazil! he doesnt speak english so pray they are able to easily communicate. he is doing awesome tho. he has no air conditioning but says it isnt that bad since the coast is there and there is a breeze. my bubs is such an amazing guy. everyday i am reminded of how lucky i am to have such a faithful guy in my life. he is such a huge example to me. his sacrifice to serve the lord day in and day out makes me so happy. only 22 more months and ill get to see my best friend again. :)

do my instagram posts about elder chauncey get old?? i dont care. hahahaha

ive heard people say that after a while ill get sick of writing. that it wont be fun anymore. but honestly, i love writing him. i love being able to just write whatever i want and i love getting letters. i still scream like a crazy child when i get a letter in the mail. its the best feeling ever. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

time is FLYING.

tomorrow elder chauncey will arrive in his area of Joao Pessoa && its his two month mark! this is seriously so exciting. i am so proud of him!

only 22 more months!!!

i honestly cannot explain how happy it makes me knowing that he is serving the lord and doing the best thing he can for himself and others. he is awesome. i got a letter today and he has asked for letters! so please if you know him- write him. mail is his favorite thing. and has even turned an entire day around. lets stuff his mailbox!

Elder Tanner Chauncey
Joao Pessoa Mission

Rua Deputado Jose Mariz, 515 Tambauzinho
58042-020 Joao Pessoa/PB Brasil

well this week my lovely long lost sister Deidre found here, nominated me for a sweet little award. shes a gem. 

The Rules
1. Nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

7 Random Facts
1. I have recently turned vegan- we will see how long it lasts. 
2. I turn 20 in just 22 days! that is half way to 40 and im not happy about it. 
3. I was sealed to my parents in the Dallas, TX temple. 
4. If I could have any pet itd be a miniature pig- they are so adorable. 
5. I didnt learn how to do my own laundry until halfway through my first year of college...oops. 
6. I love IKEA. 
7. I wish so badly I could go back to the south. 

My Nominees

go check out these blogs. they are all awesome!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

this week,

has been hectic to say the least.

after taking a long week off recovering from my wisdom teeth, i was SLAMMED at work. i started cheer coaching at East Tech& i was getting ready for my pageant. it felt good to be busy. i feel like its been forever since ive had a lot on my plate. but recap of the week- i LOVE cheer coaching. the girls seem awesome & the other coach Jeri is great. she cracks me up during practice. on wednesday i heard from elder chauncey which is always awesome. hes a beast! he goes into the field soo soon- i am so excited for him. he is going to do amazing things.  

elder chauncey & elder souza!

wednesday was also my best friends bridal shower. it was super cute & i seriously cannot wait for her wedding! its coming up soo soon!! i cant wait to be a bridesmaid- oh & for her bachelorette party ;)

i made these cake pops for the first time for the shower- literally the most time consuming thing ever. they were yummy tho & im glad they turned out cute!

friday my brother had a football game at Desert Oasis & to say the least- he crushed. 2 sacks & at least 5 solo tackles. plus a couple allllmost interceptions. hes a monster. im seriously a proud sister. i cant help but brag about him all the time. my baby brother is a 15 year old STUD. 

my casualwear. love this outfit & the fact that i look freaking skinny. HAH

my sissys. 

asia- my beautiful jr teen miss utah. 

saturday was my pageant. i got national grand supreme. i was really happy with it considering that i havent competed in 4 years. it felt good to be at a pageant again. cambrie is the bestest. 

littlefield girls at NAAE :)

on sunday i went to a farewell for elder springer. another friend going out to serve the lord- which is great. im so proud of him. good luck ricardo! youll do awesome things!

today is 9/11. i hope that we can all remember that life is never guaranteed, we are so blessed to live in a free country. always be thankful for the people that fight for our freedom and america everyday. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012


a roadtrip in 2006.

same roadtrip, my brothers were TINY.

marley is literally the coolest 4 year old EVER. she is a thug and i miss her being this tiny. 

its game dayyyy.

tigers breaux, geaux LSU!

college football is the greatest time of the entire year. 

even when i was drugged, i knew what was up. 

kristin, my old roommate & elder chaunceys cousin impersonating me- cute huh?