if you havent noticed- my blog is brand new! thanks to Miss Deejmbl over at Love, the Skinnys for redoing my blog! love you sis!
i certainly need to play catch up- so today will be a load of pictures and whatnot. then i will write about other events in my life. :)
okay- so even tho im going on my mission- i was still going to compete in miss nevada. this was part of the photo shoot that we had in early october. i will have a post all about this. but these girls are awesome. im excited for them!
this was an event for miss nevada. mad & cambrie are hotties.
this is the beginning of my cali trip with the pictum family. we were at BJs at balboa beach.
drive to disneyland- we were clearly super excited.
the most AWKWARD moment. who on earth makes out on a disneyland ride!? Trey was disgusted. obvi.
disneyland/ CA adventures was a blast. i had soo much fun with this kid.
halloween. preston has been buzz lightyear almost every time ive seen him. hes a cutie tho.
Oh hey! my mission papers are ALLLLL done!