Wednesday, August 31, 2011

its like, im that bored.

1) Are your parents married or divorced?
married, almost 20 years. freaking cuties :)
2) Are you a vegetarian?
i might as well be, i hate meat. its disgusting. 
3) Do you believe in Heaven?
yesss :)
4) Have you ever come close to dying?
ive drowned at seven peaks. thats about as close as it gets. 
5) What jewelery do you wear daily?
my pearl ring, my tanner bracelet & my byu baseball bracelet. 
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
8) Who is your hair stylist?
heather bale :)
9) Ever have any surgery? If so, what?
nope, im a safe person :)
10) Do you color your hair?
yeah i dont like my natural color
11) What do you wear to bed?
a tshirt and spankies. 
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
hahaha yep. 
13) Can you roll your tongue?
i sure can
14) Electric razor or blade?
15) What kind of shoes usually?
flipflops, toms, vans.
16) Do you like apple juice or orange juice?
neither.. id rather have cranberry. 
17) What is your natural hair color (do you even remember?)
its way super light brown. 
18) Future child’s name?
i wont say, people will steal them. :)
19) Do you snore?
no way. 
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Australia, or Ireland 
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
i dont
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
pay for school, then get a bigger car. 
23) Gold or platinum/white gold?
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
i dont like either. if i had to choose, hamburger. no bun :)
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
mashed potatoes, pizza or sushi
26) City, beach or country?
beach, country, then city 
27) What was the last thing you touched?
the keys on my laptop
28) Where did you eat last?
on my living room couch
29) When’s the last time you cried?
30) Do you read blogs?
addicted. obsessed. stalk. 
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
why not?
32) Ever been involved with the police?
33) What’s your favorite shampoo and soap?
fructis & dove. 
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
ive been told i have. 
35) Ocean or pool?
cant swim. but pool
38) Window seat or aisle?
39) Ever met anyone famous?
i have! 
40) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
so far, cant complain 
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
i twirl it. who in the world would cut it?
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
43) Basketball or Football?
either :)
44) How long do your showers last?
like 10 min. 
45) Automatic or stick shift?
46) Cake or ice cream?
ice cream please.
47) Are you self-conscious?
48) Have you ever drunk so much you threw up?
on the daily ;)
49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?
i have
50) Have you been in love?
51) Where do you wish you were?
52) Do you wear socks with your shoes?
most of the time
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
54) Can you tango?
i could try!
55) Last gift you received?
money $$$
56) Last sport you played?
i kind of played basketball last night haha
57) Things you spend a lot of money on?
58) Where do you live?
orem, ut
59) Where were you born?
lafeyette, la
60) Last wedding attended?
hmm, i dont remember
63) Most hated food(s)?
64) What’s your favorite food?
65) Can you sing?
yeah i try
66) Last person you instant messaged?
my best friend kayc. 
67) Last place you went on holiday?
kearns, ut for 4th of july ha
68) Favorite regular drink?
69) (irrelevant question)
70) Current Song?
all country. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

dear sweet college.

here we go with another semester. my summer was non-existent thanks to summer school and i hardly got a break. but what can you do?

my roommates are awesome. kristin (nin) made kailee and i breakfast and dinner today. awesome right?! her attempt to cook dinner was hilarious to watch but way yummy. friday and saturday i hung out with everyone at the palace.. which is tanners cousins house. tanner btw is the best. i never thought id wanna live in utah, and being up here with him makes it that much better. college is great. i love utah now. i miss home a lot tho. i wish i could be there to see my lil bro freaking out about his first day of high school & marley going into her final year of elementary school. i miss cruz in the morning singing and madilynne getting ready and making us soooo late to seminary. i just really miss my siblings. growing up really stinks. especially when youre the oldest. i feel like im missing everything back at home :/

i wish they could be this little again :) but yeah, ill blog again tomorrow after class. hopefully it goes smoooothly.

til we meet again..

yesterday night i got news that my dear cousin Patrick Lucero passed away.

life takes us all different ways, we may have lost contact for a few years Chink, but you are forever in my heart. i love you soo much, landon, you & i were so close when we were young, you two were my protectors and my best friends. we laughed about the dumbest things, climbed every tree at nanays house, broke too many things, and had too many sleepovers and stayed up way too late. words cannot describe how much i wish i could change things in the past few years and i wish i could have remained as close as we were. when i heard about what happened i was completely shocked and hoping it would be fixed. i miss you already and love you forever. we are forever family and you mean a lot to me Patrick. i wish i could be there for your funeral, but im there in spirit cuz. rest in peace chink. <3

cousins forever, no matter where we are. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

back to reality...

so im finally back in utah after a much needed visit back home. tanners amazing parents drove us up last night, thank you again rob & jules :) we got in around 11:30 and i finally got to be with my roommates :) im so excited for the year and im super happy to be back.


here we go :)

i confess..
i really miss my nanay gloria. everytime i get home she is one of the first people i wanna see. her & i have gotten a lot closer. shes amazing

i confess..
school stresses me out. more so the money aspect, im excited for it to start, but the stress sucks. 

i confess..
my roommates are awesome. kailee and kristin are so fun, we are gonna have a blast :)

i confess.. 
kaycee rader is amazing. she is my best friend and its funny that we hardly hang out since we never have time while im in vegas, but when we do its like we were never apart. i love talking to her about everything. shes GREAT!

i confess..
i really hate my hair. haha lately its been driving me insane, i wish i could poof new hair on my head sometimes.

i confess..
stick it is one of my all time favorite movies. tanner & i watched it on my laptop on the way back up & it makes me miss gym so much. the movie is hilarious, if you havent watched it, i highly recommend it :)

i confess..
i've become a vitamin addict hahaha. my grandma sent me up with a lot of vitamins since she knows how picky of an eater i am. its probably a really good thing cus i feel like my body is becoming weaker, maybe im just imagining that tho.

i confess..
im sad i missed my thankful thursday. 

seeya'round. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

home sweet home.

im kinda sad that i have to go back to utah, but at the same time i cannot wait. i love being home but at the same time, my mind reminds me that it can only be temporary and utah is now my new place of residency. i dont leave until thursday, which btw is my sisters birthday. kinda sad, but way excited to finally be able to hang out with everyone up there :)

anyway, today has been pretty productive. i got my hair done and went down to LVAC to cancel my gym membership. BTW i hate that place. im really mad that i have to pay a cancelation fee. :/ i wish that i had all the money in the world. itd make things a whole lot easier.

this week jasmine sent me pictures from powderpuff and prom that she had, so i thought id put them up :)

i loveee jasmine, she's hilarious & i love this picture :)

this was our attempt at a "model shot"

i miss these boys 

yes, my boyfriend is a giant/beast :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I love today :)

sunday has quickly become one of my favorite days of the week, easy. i woke up this morning extremely excited for the day. church was really good, always is. i love being in vegas and going to church with my family. ill miss them when i go back to utah for fall semester on thursday. but anyway, after sacrament, i spent second hour in the nursery. SO fun. i love little kids, and they were soo much fun to play with. 
brynn bowden gave a talk in the ward after mine, so i sat and listened to her talk. it was awesome. i told madilynne after that it was one of the best talks i had ever heard coming from a youth. it was about the talk, guardians of virtue by sister elaine dalton. if you havent read it.. do it. its a great one. :)
go and read this :) <----[thats the link for the talk]
i went to tanners ward after and got to share an amazing experience with him and his family. he was ordained and elder & got the melchizedek priesthood. super spiritual, and i am soo happy i was able to be there. im really happy that tanners family is full of worthy priesthood holders, and especially thankful that they are in provo, i plan asking them to exercise that priesthood when i need them to! 
after that i went to bre' hanleys going away party. SAD. im gonna miss that girl so much. then went to tanners house for dinner. 

today was a good day, filled with people that i love, good experiences, and words that i needed to hear. 

ohh, & listen to this song, its one of my favorites :)

happy sunday :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Its almost not friday,


so i really need to hurry with my friday confessions haha :)

i confess..
i really missed vegas, but i honestly am so excited to get back to utah. kailee & kristin moved in today & im not even there! sad day.

i confess..
maya is STUPID. i decided its offical, i asked her to spell cannibal & i got c-a-n-n-e-b-i-l-e. good thing i love her or this would be a problem.

i confess.. 
i really missed my extended family while i was gone. being at family events after missing quite a few was awesome. i love my huge family and the laughs we ALWAYS share

i confess.. 
i am really excited for fall semester. i love school (&hate) and i love learning

i confess.. 
today, well 8/20/11 is mine & tanners NINE month anniversary. he is the best boyfriend & best friend. i honestly feel like its been way longer, and at the same time our first date was yesterday, but i love him lots. he's the greatest. 

i confess..
i wanna go on a DVD shopping spree. i really just wanna go buy like every movie so that i have them in utah to watch at my apartment :)

i confess..
i really super appreciate my real, true blue friends. i already knew that moving away would make me drift apart from my friends in high school. but honestly.. the handful of ppl that i still talk to mean the absolute world to me. they are the only friends i really need. love them SO much. 

i confess.. 
i need to start looking on the positive side. lately i've been so pissy about the dumbest stuff.

i confess..
i'm stoked for my babybro's first scrimmage tmrw morning. its crazy to me that he is gonna be in high school and i wish that i could watch every one of his games. one reason i wish i was closer to home. seeing my bro get bigger, buffer, older, and funnier without me actually being there stinks. 

i confess.. 
country music lately has been on repeat. feel good music fasho, next to adele :)

til next time!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well I already knew that when I got to Vegas i'd be too occupied with everything else to blog. I am a total slacker, and everyone has been on my case about it, because I have a couple of addicts on my blog. (STALKERS) but anyway, here we go with a thankful thursday :)

-Vegas Sun- Yeah it's FREAKING hot, and occasionally unbearable, but I have got an awesome tan & I love being dark :) thank you sun!

-my car- being here with my baby car in UT has been rough. It is mega annoying not having a vehicle whenever I need it. I really have taken it for granted. 

-Madi's mom- she is making pasta tomorrow and I am more than excited. It sounds SO good and i've been craving it since my graduation party

-Tanner- Can I just say he is literally the best boyfriend ever? Yeah, he can be a punk, but he's the best. I am really happy and truly blessed to have him. Thankful he is mine. <3

-Glee- AH! I love it. I have become a new addict just because it is so entertaining. I am really excited to start season two. Thankful it gives me something to do while i'm mega bored.

-Cheer- This part of my life is definitely a memory, but helping the LVHS cheerleaders with their assembly has made me grateful. I miss choreographing dances and laughing at practice. Missing it, but i'm happy to have moved on. 

-School- I'm way excited for school to start. All my friends are coming up to UT and I cannot wait. I'm extremely thankful for the many friends that will be there. :)

til next time :)

ohhh, & i am kinda thankful for Mad& Maya. But, don't let them know :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm so very thankful...

I have soo much to be thankful for so let me start...

-Fed Ex- There was a big long ordeal with when I would go home. My parents insisted I get my Utah license before I came, but one problem. I didn't have my birth certificate. Fed Ex got it to me soo quick. Thankfully. 

-Uncle Randy- He bought me a ticket to fly home, and I am so happy about it. I was so stressed about how I would even get home and he just bought me a ticket. What a saint. 

-Tessa & Emree- I was again stressed about how I would get to the airport tomorrow for my flight, and Tessa is taking me. With Emree of course :) I am so happy that Tanner's family is up here, or i'd be walking my behind to SLC!

-Netflix- Suzie has quickly gotten me addicted to Glee. Without netflix, I couldn't satisfy my new addiction. :)

-Prayer- This week I have had a lot to pray about. Whenever I feel alone, need an answer or just comfort, I pray. I may not pray as often as I should, but when I do the feeling is so overwhelming. I am soo thankful for prayers and the peace I feel when I pray.

-Good friends- It was scary for me to move away. I was afraid of losing all my friends. Moving has made me realize who I really need in my life and those good friends that have stuck around make life a lot easier. 

-Pretending- I love to play pretend, yeah I am 18, whooo cares!! :)

-My roommate Ashley- She is awesome and makes living in Orem hilarious! She is way nice and makes homemade oreos. YUM! 

til next time :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Weekend Tease.

I feel like this is going to be the longest blog post ever, but I am gonna try my best to condense it. :)

So on friday late afternoon Suzie drove us to Vegas! I was soo utterly excited to get home. I haven't been back all summer and I was very homesick. The drive started at like 6 and I felt like we'd never make it. haha But right when we did we went to Raising Canes. This was the start of my eat everything I see weekend. After I got home, I went to see Tanner & his family & took Jake to McDonalds for Fries & Sundaes :)

Saturday morning I woke up extremely early, after only going to bed two hours prior to head up to Camp Stimpson. I was soo excited to see everyone up there. On the ride up I found myself getting so emotional. I miss girls camp A LOT. Those 6 years were so much fun & some of my favorite memories of each summer. Seeing everyone was hilarious, most of the girls hadn't showered in days but I missed them enough that they still got hugs!

After helping my mom take her camp down and driving back to Vegas I got to see my grandparents that moved in across the street. Having them there was awesome. Nanay Gloria told me she was gonna cook so after we went to Tanner's little brother Trey's game we went and ate. Everyone was over there so we decided to play spoons. Bad decision. My family is way to competitive. Especially with Landon & Quan there. But it was fun to be home laughing with my family that I missed so much. 

I went to Tanners house later that night & painted cute Emree's toes & watched Tanner get a hair cut that he desperately needed. Emree is the cutest, happiest baby. I am so excited to babysit her on Tuesdays once school starts :)

Tanner came back to my house and we just hung out with my family more. Sunday was so busy, so spiritual & just what I needed. I went to Emree's baby blessing first, which was awesome. Her blessing was beautiful and she looked soo adorable. Tanner came back to my home ward for second hour where my Grandpa teaches the Gospel Doctrine class. He is such an awesome teacher and he loves it. I went back to Tanner's ward for 3rd hour and I ended up going to Young Women and sitting with Mackenzie. :) I went back to Nanays for lunch, Kaycee came over for a little, then had an extremely good talk with Brynn. I've missed her this summer. We used to talk about everything, we went up to the Temple and had a heart to heart. She's the best!

I went back to Tanner's for Emree's lil shindig and then to Hadley's baptism. I don't think that I could really describe how happy I was for her. I have been waiting for her baptism to come for soo long and when she finally got baptized the crowds were cheering in my head. Sister Weiner is beautiful :) 

I am ecstatic for her to finally get up to P-Town so we can party all the time. I was sad to head back up to Utah, but this weekend was just what I needed. I fly back on Thursday since my finals will be over and I cannot wait :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

There's NO Place Like Home!

Well, TGIF. Seriously. I absolutely love confession friday so here we go:


I confess..
I cannot wait to get home tonight. Excited to see my family, friends, Tanner, and especially excited to go eat at Raising Canes! :)

I confess..
I really wanna run a half marathon, I need to start training so I can make this goal reality.

I confess..
I LOVE mail. Its like the best thing ever to get just a little letter from people back home. I love my penpals :)

I confess..
I hate cleaning my tiny room in my apartment. It gets so hard to make myself keep it clean.

I confess..
I miss the boys that lived at Tanners summer house. I miss Mitch, Fedde, Oregon, Cole, Dillon, Fish, B.O.B, Julian, and Dave. They made my summer hilarious and gave me plenty of good memories. I hope they all do great in college, high school, and playing ball wherever :) They gave me plenty of good games to watch this summer & they are great guys.

I confess.. 
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIE!!! if you havent read the books, read them. :)

I confess..
I wrote my class paper for my english class last night, & I couldn't be happier.

I confess.. 
This weekend will be awesome, Emree's baby blessing & Hadley's baptism. I cannot wait :)

thats all :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Jersday.

-My mom and Sister- This week they have been at girls camp and I seriously miss them like crazy :( they are the best ever and I cannot wait to see them on Saturday :) plus today I got a text from Mad, totally not allowed but it made me way happy. She called also & I got to talk to her & Moe. Miss them both like crazy

-Jersey Shore- hahaha I know, you're probably like seriously? But I love watching funny TV shows, & this show is hilarious. & tonight a new season begins, OOHH YAAAA. 

-Laughing- Laughing makes everything better. When bad stuff happens I'd much rather laugh it off then be upset. Drowning at Seven Peaks coulda been a lot worse, but laughing made it a good memory.

-My grandparents- I love that they all constantly check up on me. & I really appreciate my Nanay Betty paying my rent up here. She's awesome! Nanay Gloria is sending me things in the mail and i love mail, YOU should send me something :)

-Suzie Dutson- We have always been really close, but lately closer than ever. I'm so grateful for her friendship!

-A good relationship with Tanner- He is my best friend & an amazing boyfriend. I thankful for him every single  day. 

-New friends- Moving to a new place kinda forces me to make new friends, I'm glad I get to do this especially because new friends gives room for new memories. 

til next timeeee. 

Laughing my Abs Off with Suzie Dutson!

I feel like I haven't blogged in so long, so I feel like I have a lot to catch up on. 
Here we go, on Monday I had class, which is getting so extremely boring. My mind knows that school is almost over so I am soo done. I can't wait for a little break before fall semester starts. Tuesday, Suzie & I went to Seven Peaks. Its this water park in Provo & we both have season passes so we decided to spend the day at the park. We had a lot of fun on all of the water slides and talking while waiting in line. Both of us laugh way way WAY too much when we are together. The laughing started this day. We were in the wave pool on our tube and decided to get out and go home. Bad idea, I am not the best swimmer ever and we were in the 6 ft area of the wave pool. Suzie got off of the tube and swam us to the side where the ladder was to get out. I start to get out of the tube and get sucked under the waves. I literally thought I was going to drown. The entire time I was struggling UNDERNEATH the tube, Suzie is laughing at me. She tried to help me and she fell off the ladder over my head and back into the water. Again we were both laughing and I fell under the water AGAIN. It was the worst. Laughing and drowning do not mix. All in all it was a funny day and scary at the same time. 

After Seven Peaks we went to Cafe Rio and to get snow cones. Which, by the way are my new addiction. They are soo good and way too cheap! Not to mention HUGE. It may not be the healthiest thing to eat, but its ice, so Suzie and I justify it enough to make them sound healthy. 

Later that night Suzie and I went to the A1 and brought Austin and Sterling snow cones too.  Suzie & I went to Dennys and got a french toast breakfast for $6. Delicious, I love breakfast for dinner. Especially that late at night. The two of us came back to Suzie's house and watched movies on Netflix. Later Austin came over and we watched The Roommate. That movie was way creepy, not a fan. I slept over at her house and woke up for class today. Class went by fast and today which I was very happy about. Suzie picked me up and we went for Snow Cones, Round 2. 

When we got there we saw Eric Swenson's little bro Paul! After we went to the A1 for a second and then to pick up Lizzie Lin. Went to eat at Del Taco and caught up on Lizzie's crazy life. Suzie and I have been laughing so hard this whole week. About everything, it's great to just laugh about things with her. Even at 1 in the morning when we are both delirious. That is the best. :)

Ill be back on here later today for Thankful Thursday... peace, love & blessins.