Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Jersday.

-My mom and Sister- This week they have been at girls camp and I seriously miss them like crazy :( they are the best ever and I cannot wait to see them on Saturday :) plus today I got a text from Mad, totally not allowed but it made me way happy. She called also & I got to talk to her & Moe. Miss them both like crazy

-Jersey Shore- hahaha I know, you're probably like seriously? But I love watching funny TV shows, & this show is hilarious. & tonight a new season begins, OOHH YAAAA. 

-Laughing- Laughing makes everything better. When bad stuff happens I'd much rather laugh it off then be upset. Drowning at Seven Peaks coulda been a lot worse, but laughing made it a good memory.

-My grandparents- I love that they all constantly check up on me. & I really appreciate my Nanay Betty paying my rent up here. She's awesome! Nanay Gloria is sending me things in the mail and i love mail, YOU should send me something :)

-Suzie Dutson- We have always been really close, but lately closer than ever. I'm so grateful for her friendship!

-A good relationship with Tanner- He is my best friend & an amazing boyfriend. I thankful for him every single  day. 

-New friends- Moving to a new place kinda forces me to make new friends, I'm glad I get to do this especially because new friends gives room for new memories. 

til next timeeee.