okay-- i know that i am SUCH a lame person for not updating my blog as much as i used to.. i really need to get back in the habit cus i love my blog. i love being able to look back & read it. soo yeah-- lots of catching up to do- here we go.
okay so it was tanners birthday on the 7th and i never got to include what i did for him on here.. i made him LOTS of cupcakes. well they were for him & his team. funfetti with chocolate icing. he's lucky that i seriously love birthdays.
i gave those to him around 12 & then that night i took him to dinner at tucanos. its this Brazilian place like texas de brazil in vegas. it was really yummy and fun because tanner had to get up and dance for his birthday :)
he is finally 19 and will soon be starting his mission papers. EEEKKKK. so stoked/sad/anxious about that.. valentines day is a week after tanners bday and so we went to chilis and exchanged gifts. this was my second year being tanners valentine and i loved his gift. 
its a ctr ring. i havent had one since i was like 10 and i love it. it was such a thoughtful gift. at dinner i realized that the way tanner eats is just hilarious. so i took a video of him but it wont upload!! :) also here are a few pictures from that night.
i also made tanner chocolate covered strawberries, puppy chow & a tshirt he wanted. this week ive decided to turn pescetarian. which is basically vegetarian but you eat seafood. its awesome because i hate meat. i think its gross and i still get my protein for all my family worried. :) tanner had his first series this weekend at UC Riverside. he did AWESOME. i dont normally brag but seriously he is a beast. here are the stats: click here :) & at HERE you can find the articles on all 3 games. he started in the first and the last and did great things. im a proud gf forsure.
this weekend was also his cousin Aubreys baby shower :) shes due next week and i cant wait to meet her son. he'll be adorable! So yeah i guess that catches things up for now! happy mom?
til next time.