Wednesday, February 1, 2012

stop & think.

have you ever sat back & thought about things a year ago? thought about things how they once were & realizing how much has really changed? i kinda do this a lot. more than a lot. i find it important in my life to  just sit back & think. think about how truly blessed i am and how thankful i need to be. my senior year of high school i was in student council. i was senior class secretary and i loved it. i loved being involved and i loved contributing to changes. my advisor was mr. kloeker. people have different opinions about him-- but i can honestly say that he is one of the most incredible human beings ever. he has truly changed my perspective on life. he has changed that way i see things 99% of the time. this weekend while i was home i met him for ice cream. i really needed the talk we had. last january kloeker asked the council to consider what had happened in 2010. he asked us to write it down. write down who changed us, why, and what our year consisted of. as i sat with kloeker at coldstone i realized a lot. i realized that the people in my life now are the ones who are important. i make time for those that really mean somethings and for those that really arent contributing to my life i dont. i realized how much i love school. i hate it at the same time but am so appreciative. i realized how much i really love being tanners girl. i realized how important it is for me to meet new people and make changes from my comfort zone. i realized that people change, grow up, and move on. i have really grown up in the past year. maturing in a lot of ways. i still have what i wrote last january in my journal. i thank kloeker for telling me to do that. taking a step by to think about things is important. if you havent ever thought about doing it. consider it. think about how your life has changed and how you got there. the people in your life and how they have helped you. thank those people. it will make you happy to realize how truly blessed you are. as i go through life im truly writing a story. im just trying to make it a good one. 

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