Monday, April 2, 2012

day three & four.

day three: what is your favorite part of your body & why?

this is such an awkward question. hahah i really like my hands. weird- but whatever. i have really long fingers. i love it- i think stubby hands are weird and like my hands a lot. they are huge but im happy with them :) i am secretly hoping that since i have such big hands & feet that one day far away when i have kids that my boys will be tall. good theory right?

day four: what popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

i think now a days teenage pregnancy has become OUTTA control. im not saying its a bad thing cus babies are awesome and a huge blessing. but i think that mtv showing 16 & pregnant is not a good idea. i think that pregnancy in teenagers needs to be taken more serious and parents need to be more involved in what is going on. there is my rant about that. hahah

i really could blog about lots, but how about just the pure fact of how much i love tanner? k bye. jk but seriously he is the absolute best guy around.

ohhhh- and another thing- i switched my hair to a middle part. i think for the most part i like it better. but we'll see how long it lasts. 


  1. girlfriend. I switched to a middleish (almost to the middle but a little to the right because my face looked way too fat) too. pumped to see you soon!
