Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's like almost August....

It has been a little over a month since I've moved to Utah & I am FINALLY getting to go visit home this weekend. I am way overly excited. This is the longest amount of time I have gone without seeing my mom and I miss her soo much. Also everyone else that is in Vegas.

This week is also girls camp & I am SAD TO THE MAX that I won't be there. Girls camp is the best week ever! & I wish I was going. I hope that everyone has an awesome week that goes up. Enjoy it while it lasts cus I already miss it.

This weekend was pretty exciting. On Saturday, Suzie & I went down to this place called "J-Dogs" its a hotdog place in Provo that is supposed to be super good. Well I wasn't a fan. HA! & Suzie & I both felt sick after. Maybe it will be better a second time? We'll see about that tho. Later that night we went to the A1. (for those of you that don't know, that is Austin's house [tanners cousin]) Hung out with Austin, Adam & Kayla. Suzie & I slept over at her older sisters that night, but before we went out there, we had a fat girl moment & got donuts. NOT a good idea, we both once again felt sick. 

I spent Sunday with the Dutson family. It was a good day. Being around family, even if it isn't my own is always a good time. It was her niece and nephews birthday & it was really a fun day :)

Suzie & I had some much needed conversations. She is such an awesome friend and stayed one of my closest friends since 9th grade. Her friendship means soo much to me. Thanks so so much Suz for this weekend. Love you Diva!

Well, I feel like I will have more to write about this week, its almost the end of summer school and I cannot wait for it to be over. My mindset for summer school is just not a good one. But yeah, til next time :) 

P.S- This is also the longest time I have gone without seeing Tanner- & i miss you SO much Tanner, since I know you're reading this. Stalker ;) I cannot wait to see you, have a good rest of the week in San Diego, which I am very jealous of. Love you :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Join me...


I confess..
I am more than excited to get home. Hopefully I get to go with Suzie next weekend, if not the 13th I'll be home for a good two weeks!

I confess..
I am soo over summer school. It was exciting in the beginning but I for sure miss the fact that usually during the summer I have nothing to do and could tan and swim everyday.

I confess..
I really hate to go "grocery shopping" especially at super target. I could literally buy everything in the store & I find myself constantly putting things back that I just grab for the heck of it!

I confess..
Blogging is my new favorite thing to do. I used to be super persistent about writing in my journal, but blogging is just so much easier! Brittany, thanks for getting me addicted! :)

I confess.. 
I am slowly becoming obsessed with TLC. I love watching Say Yes to the Dress (brides & bridesmaids), My Strange Addiction, and Extreme Couponing. 

I confess.. 
I am MORE than excited for Nin & Kailee to finally move up here. Along with Hadley :) Having more girls around will be great! Suzie is the best & I appreciate her LOTS. 

I confess.. 
I really miss Tanner! He is in San Diego playing baseball & he hasn't even been gone long but I take for granted the fact that I could go see him whenever I want. I hate when he's far away. 

I confess.. 
Working out has become an extreme stress reliever for me. I have stuck to my ab work outs & push ups. I plan on running more once I get my sleep schedule fixed :)

til next timeeeee.  

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Tradition.

So, Once Upon a Time, my good good friend/Big sister Brittany Peterson (Harper) told me to count my blessings. I was going through a really hard time and she told me to think of all of the things I was thankful for, from clean underwear to family. (Her exact words!) So I'm gonna start doing Thankful Thursdays :)

-Mom & Dad: Today I got to see my dad for the first time in a month! He took me to lunch. His hugs are the best and I really missed him. Him & my mom are AMAZING. I wouldn't be the person I am today without them

-Kaycee Rader: This girl is my best friend. I can vent to her quite often about anything and she is always there to listen. We've been best friends since I can remember & I'm so thankful that our friendship has remained strong even tho we have always been in different states :)

-Cell Phones: I mean who isn't thankful for them!? It is so reassuring to know that anytime I wanna talk to someone I can just pick up my phone & text or call them.

-Tanner Chauncey: I talk about him so often everyone that reads this is probably sick of it. HA! but I don't care :) He is the BEST, I am so thankful for him in soo many ways. He always makes me smile and can easily make me laugh especially when I really need it. Words cannot describe how much he means to me.

-My little sisters& brothers: Madilynne talks to me every single day. I love hearing about her day and being able to skype. Marley texted me today and made me realize how much I miss her. She texted me today and said this "I love you see you in a few weeks miss you collage girl" Hilarious right? She meant college but she's a cutie :) I love hearing about Jake & Cruz. Jake is a beast in the weight room and he is the funniest kid I know. Cruz is at scout camp and my dad said he is dirtier than ever. Not surprised.

-My apartment: It may not be home, but it is still great. I love being able to lay on the couch and just be lazy here like its my house in Vegas.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eventful Weekend

Otay, this weekend was great to say the least. I already wrote how it was Tommy's farewell which was, AWESOME. His talk was great and I am super excited for him. He will truly be an awesome missionary. 

This is Me & Kristin, or Nin as everyone is requiring me to call her :) 

Here is Tommy & Tanner, extremely handsome, I know :)

& this is Madi, Tanner's little cousin. She is the cutest 2 year old ever! She stole my phone and took lots of videos and pictures. She was quite the character & so adorable.

On Monday I had no class thanks to Pioneer Day. Which I still have no idea what the point is, but I enjoyed the day off. Tomorrow I go back to reality tho. 

til next timeeee!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Funday

I love Sundays. I love going to church and I really lately have been listening to church music like it is Taylor Swift. It is 1 in the morning, but I am really excited for church. Today is Tommy's (Tanners cousin) Farewell. He is going to serve an LDS mission in Anchorage, AK. That is where my best friend Sarah Boyer's older brother Braxton serves. 

Missionaries to me are truly some of the most amazing people on the planet. Sacrificing 2 years of their lives so that families can be together for eternity. It is amazing. I truly look up to Tommy for making the decision to go on a mission. I look up to him & I am sure he'll do great things in Alaska.

It will be awesome one day to see my brothers go off and serve missions. It's crazy to think that in 5 years Jake will be getting ready to serve a mission. I hate getting older, but hate that my siblings are growing up soo quick. 

Today I am really missing my family. Sunday is the day I spend with them and I am starting to get homesick. My family is awesome tho. Mad calls or texts me everyday & Jake is the same way. When Cruz calls he makes me laugh & when Marley calls I could cry. I miss her a lot. She is the coolest 10 year old ever and I am excited to see her in 2 weeks. My parents make sure to call every few days and my Daddy comes here on thursday to visit. I'm super excited to see him. 

Yesterday, or today...I mean Saturday, I was so lazy. I woke up at noon and didn't do anything until 5. :)
I love to be lazy with my roommate, watching TLC and snacking. But I went to Tanner's game, which they won 8-1. I also met my roommate Kristin, who is also Tanner's cousin. She seems AWESOME. She is way funny and I am really excited to live with her. I know we are gonna have tons of fun. After the game we went to Chili's with Tessa, Julie, Nin, & Tanner. & Emree of course. Which, BTW is the cutest lil' girl ever. I love her! 

Yeah but I've been listening to church music tons lately, so here is one song that is stuck in my head. 
Ill blog later on with pictures of my Sunday Funday I'm sure :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's funny...

These girls are my biggest pain, yet I miss them like crazy.
This is when my sister cut her finger open and was in the hospital.
I can only imagine how hilarious it was with Madilynne, Madi, and Maya all together at the hospital.
They are my little sisters, and it makes me super sad that I'm not there with them. & Happy 16th Birthday to Madi. :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Growing Up is Hard.

Okay, well since this is my first entry I guess I should update everyone on what exactly is going on in my life. I graduated from Las Vegas High School with an Advanced Honors Diploma in June. I said as soon as school was going to be over that I wouldn't miss it at all. That is a lie. I really miss my friends, its hard never seeing them, not being able to talk whenever, and I especially miss joking around with all of them. I miss the teachers, Kloeker, Brockett, and her secretary, Liggy, and Lindahl. I don't miss the school aspect of it at all, just the people that I surrounded myself with everyday. 

Right after graduation I moved out to Utah. My parents kind of forced me to grow up fast, faster than I wanted, but I am extremely grateful for them pushing me out of the house. It has been pretty hard being away from my family for so long. They are the best people around and I miss them everyday. 

I started college at Utah Valley University for Summer Semester and I love it. College is awesome, and I love the independence that comes along with it. My classes are interesting and I am doing really well.

I am still dating Tanner Chauncey. He is the best, and makes me too happy for words. We've been together for 8 months & he means the world to me. He is my best friend. His family has made my move to Utah a lot easier. They are awesome and Austin is the coolest friend ever! I am blessed to have people up here to make me more comfortable and less home sick. 

My sister, Madilynne just left but came to visit me for over a week. I missed her like crazy & being able to spend time together was great and much needed. 

I think this blog is going to be EXTREMELY good for me :)