I confess..
I am more than excited to get home. Hopefully I get to go with Suzie next weekend, if not the 13th I'll be home for a good two weeks!
I confess..
I am soo over summer school. It was exciting in the beginning but I for sure miss the fact that usually during the summer I have nothing to do and could tan and swim everyday.
I confess..
I really hate to go "grocery shopping" especially at super target. I could literally buy everything in the store & I find myself constantly putting things back that I just grab for the heck of it!
I confess..
Blogging is my new favorite thing to do. I used to be super persistent about writing in my journal, but blogging is just so much easier! Brittany, thanks for getting me addicted! :)
I confess..
I am slowly becoming obsessed with TLC. I love watching Say Yes to the Dress (brides & bridesmaids), My Strange Addiction, and Extreme Couponing.
I confess..
I am MORE than excited for Nin & Kailee to finally move up here. Along with Hadley :) Having more girls around will be great! Suzie is the best & I appreciate her LOTS.
I confess..
I really miss Tanner! He is in San Diego playing baseball & he hasn't even been gone long but I take for granted the fact that I could go see him whenever I want. I hate when he's far away.
I confess..
Working out has become an extreme stress reliever for me. I have stuck to my ab work outs & push ups. I plan on running more once I get my sleep schedule fixed :)
til next timeeeee.
Working out is such a great stress reliever! Keep at it, it's so worth it.