Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's like almost August....

It has been a little over a month since I've moved to Utah & I am FINALLY getting to go visit home this weekend. I am way overly excited. This is the longest amount of time I have gone without seeing my mom and I miss her soo much. Also everyone else that is in Vegas.

This week is also girls camp & I am SAD TO THE MAX that I won't be there. Girls camp is the best week ever! & I wish I was going. I hope that everyone has an awesome week that goes up. Enjoy it while it lasts cus I already miss it.

This weekend was pretty exciting. On Saturday, Suzie & I went down to this place called "J-Dogs" its a hotdog place in Provo that is supposed to be super good. Well I wasn't a fan. HA! & Suzie & I both felt sick after. Maybe it will be better a second time? We'll see about that tho. Later that night we went to the A1. (for those of you that don't know, that is Austin's house [tanners cousin]) Hung out with Austin, Adam & Kayla. Suzie & I slept over at her older sisters that night, but before we went out there, we had a fat girl moment & got donuts. NOT a good idea, we both once again felt sick. 

I spent Sunday with the Dutson family. It was a good day. Being around family, even if it isn't my own is always a good time. It was her niece and nephews birthday & it was really a fun day :)

Suzie & I had some much needed conversations. She is such an awesome friend and stayed one of my closest friends since 9th grade. Her friendship means soo much to me. Thanks so so much Suz for this weekend. Love you Diva!

Well, I feel like I will have more to write about this week, its almost the end of summer school and I cannot wait for it to be over. My mindset for summer school is just not a good one. But yeah, til next time :) 

P.S- This is also the longest time I have gone without seeing Tanner- & i miss you SO much Tanner, since I know you're reading this. Stalker ;) I cannot wait to see you, have a good rest of the week in San Diego, which I am very jealous of. Love you :)

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