a lot of people ask- so how did you guys meet? well its really not that complicated. we obviously went to high school together. we had a class together freshmen year- "freshmen studies" with the baseball pitching coach- traynor. we sat across from eachother the entire year. we both claim to have had crushes on eachother way back then- but i think hes lying :) he played basketball while i cheered and we even had a song about him. sophomore year rolled around and we had no classes together. we didnt talk because we never saw eachother but i again cheered him on during basketball season. when junior year came we had AP stats together. tanner & i got really close, we talked about everything in this class. he was like my best friend. its funny looking back at things realizing how and when we got so close. how much i trusted him and much he meant to me at that time. after that school year tanner went to utah for the summer to play baseball. we texted most of the summer, and i kept him updated on what was happening in vegas. senior year started and he was still my best friend. i had a boyfriend but broke up with him in october. soon after tanner quickly was trying to spit game. a short month later he asked me out on a drive back to my house.
tanner is my best friend. he means the absolute world to me. For the past year i have realized that i honestly dont know what i would do without him. we have had an amazing year. full of fun memories and lots of love. i cant wait for the years to come. everything is better since we've been together. i am at my happiest. tanner- I LOVE YOU! youre the best boyfriend and my best friend. thank you for this past year, you are incredible.
our first unofficial date :)
our first high school dance together
our first trip to cali
our very first picture together
you guys are the freaking cutest. love you two!! (: