nov 1. thankful for: my INCREDIBLE family. i would truly have no idea what to do without them. i am so completely blessed with a supportive and amazing family. even those who arent related by blood- love you all toooo much.
nov 2. thankful for: opportunities. when senior year rolled around i really didnt know what i wanted to do after i graduated. being able to come to utah and go to uvu is such a blessing. i am so thankful that i had this opportunity.
nov 3. thankful for: good health. i am thankful for such a healthy body. being able to do the things i want everyday is something to be very thankful for.
nov 4. thankful for: the LDS church: i am soo soo thankful that i was born and raised a member of the church. the blessings that i get from that are unmeasurable and i would literally be lost without it. prayer, the scriptures, the modern day prophets, church music- all of it is brilliant.
nov 5. thankful for: Tanner Chauncey. november 20th marks our one year of being together as a couple. i am so thankful that tanner came into my life when he did. so many blessings and happy times come along with our relationship. i truly love him and am thankful for all that he has done for me. he is my best friend and a huge part of my life <3
nov 6. thankful for: a bed to sleep in every night. my bed here in utah may not be the best- but im thankful for it none the less.
nov 7. thankful for:my best friends. they know who they are- the ones who have always always been there for me. they do so much for me on the daily and i couldnt ask for better!
nov 8. thankful for: amazing roommates. we are family. we yell, pick up after eachother, argue- but in the end we have to deal cus we live too close. haha but i really love them a lot. they have made my college experience one to remember.
nov 9. thankful for: good examples in my life. i have amazing people that i can look up to and am extremely thankful for. mom, nanay glo& betty, all my aunts, my big sisters-britt & tessa, meegan fast, and all the others that have impacted my life for the good.
nov 10. thankful for: music. i think that without music life would be dull, and not as enjoyable. all types- couldnt go a day without it.
so yeah i will try to keep up with this- but update on my life! no longer do i have a job. it really stinks! making my own money was awesome. but the family i was nannying for no longer needed me because the mom is working less- but it was a good experience while it lasted.
for those of you wondering in vegas- ill be home on monday the 21st. :) i cannot wait- sushi, nanays cooking, thanksgiving, black friday shopping :D
ill be back soon-- thanks for reading :)
oh & here is something for your entertainment!
i reallllly miss you sis. i saw this last night & laughed the whole time. high school musical means lots only because we are practically troy and gabriella ;)
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